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Showing posts from January, 2012

Episode 6: Dedicated to my Dance Buddy

Because of her, I caught up with my Dance Because of her, my heart is still burning for Dance Because of her, I will never give up on Dance I love her so much! My Dance Journey wouldn't have been so glorious without her!

Episode 5: Dancing with the Dragon

In Harmony with myself Breathing with the Universe Spiralling with the Dragon The Dance for You and Me Let's embrace the Roaring Dragon with our most peaceful heart!

Episode 4: Developing my Training Framework

After 4 days of fully committing to my own training routine, I have to admit it has been intense and demanding. My body is aching all over! Nevertheless, I am enjoying myself very much! And always eager to make breakthrough after breakthrough with my body.

Episode 3: Seeing the Rhythm

While I dance, I was often very confused with the rhythm. I was unsure of the beats for each and every dance steps in a dance choreography. Even if I try to count the beats mentally, I will count wrongly simply because I will get lost in my own counting. But now not only can I hear and catch the rhythm, I can SEE the rhythm! For each and every dance steps, I know exactly the number of beats to move with.

Episode 2: Reviewing my Progress

I was a little shock to see how I used to dance in the past.  I danced like a robot and  was often out of rhythm. I had a problem of not being able to hear n catch the beats. Very glad that through these 3 years of exploration & training, I have finally made the progress that I wanted to make.  NOW the beats are beating with my heart and jumping along with me! Arakah in orange dancing in the classroom with her dance buddy in Year 2009 Arakah in purple dancing in the classroom in Yr 2010  Arakah in blue dancing at Labrador Park in Yr 2011 From now on, More to discover.. More to become

Episode 1: Flowing into stillness

Beginning with a slow lifting headstand I love to rush into things.. everything fast.. everything quick and that includes my daily Yoga practise so this Headstand practice is teaching me how to slow down and flow into stillness I am learning from this "hot" yoga teacher! :)

A Welcome Dance for 2012

Dancing my way Here I arrive at 2012 Smiling with complete trust  Shining with absolute certainty ......................................................